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Homeless Education

Community Liaison-Homeless Education: Emma Bartel
Phone: (406) 281-6719 (office)

Community Liaison-Homeless Education: Kim Sherman

Homeless Education Liaison: Jackie Lloyd-Randofi
Phone: (406) 927-5189

Accessing Support

If you know of a Billings Public Schools student who may be experiencing homelessness or is in need of support and would like to make a recommendation for support services provided by the Family Resource Center and/or the Homeless Education Liaison, please see the link below or contact the Homeless Education Liaison or one of the BPS Community Liaisons:

  • If you are a Billings Public Schools staff member, please use this form and a Community Liaison with the Family Resource Center or the Homeless Education Liaison will follow-up with the student and/or family.

If you are a parent/guardian or student in need of assistance you my contact the building principal or the BPS Community Liaisons-Homeless Education - Emma Bartel or Kim Sherman. 

Support for students experiencing homelessness or high poverty is located at the Family Resource Center or additional information can be found by contacting a BPS Community Liaison.

The purpose of our program is to ensure that all homeless students have the same equal access to a free and appropriate education.

How do we determine if a child is homeless?

Under the McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act, a child may be classified as homeless using the following definition:

The term "homeless children and youth" means individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence and includes those individuals:


  • Sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing or economic hardship (two or more families living in a home)
  • Living in motels/hotels due to lack of alternative accommodations
  • Living in emergency or transitional shelters
  • Living in cars, tents or abandoned buildings  
  • Living in campgrounds or cars
  • Living in substandard housing (lacks electricity or running water)
  • Unaccompanied youth (not living in the physical custody of a parent or legal guardian and lacking a regular, fixed, nighttime residence) 

If you are a parent/guardian or a student in need of assistance you may contact the building principal or the district's Homeless Education Liaison

Educational rights for students experiencing homelessness

Children and youth experiencing homelessness have the right to:

  • Go to school, no matter where they live or how long they have lived here.
  • Continue in the school they attended before they became homeless or the school they last attended, if that is the parent's or youth's choice and is feasible.
  • Receive transportation to the school they attended before becoming homeless (school of origin).
  • Enroll in school without a permanent address.
  • Enroll and attend classes while the school arranges for the transfer of school and immunization records or any other document required for enrollment.
  • Receive the same special programs and services, if needed, as provided to all other children or youths served in these programs. 
  • Attend school with children not experiencing homelessness; segregation based on a student's status as homeless is prohibited.

If you would like to review policies regarding homelessness for Billings Public Schools, choose a topic below. 



Healthcare for the Homeless:
Main site: 2424 1st Avenue North 

Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7am - 4pm;
Thursday 7am - noon Closed: Noon - 1pm,
Wednesdays: Noon - 2pm
St. Vincent de Paul, 3005 First Avenue South
Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 1pm - 4pm

RiverStone Health Clinic
123 South 27th Street
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (7am - 4pm) - Closed 12pm - 1pm Monday & Friday; Wednesday (12pm - 2pm) Tuesday and Thursday (1pm - 4pm)
Blood Draw Hours: Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm 
Closed 12pm-1pm

RiverStone Health Dental Clinic
123 South 27th Street
Phone: 406.247.3333
Hours: Monday– Friday, 7am - 6pm

RiverStone Health Immunization Clinic
123 South 27th Street - Lil Anderson Building
Hours: Monday, Friday, 1pm – 4:30pm
Wednesday, 11am – 5:30pm

RiverStone Health Pharmacy
123 South 27th Street
406.247.3330, Hours: Monday – Friday,
8:30am - 5:30pm, closed at 5pm the last Friday of each month.