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Dual Credit


The idea of sending a child to college can be daunting on several levels. Students may question whether they can handle the rigors of the college coursework.  Parents may have apprehension about the cost of college.  I'm very happy to share information with you that should help ease minds of students and parents alike.

MSU-B has announced they are expanding their High School Connections program. High School Connections is designed to give high school students the opportunity to earn high school and college credits simultaneously — the same class earns credits for both.   

The high school dual enrollment program at MSUB/City College is part of a statewide initiative to increase the number of students pursuing post-secondary education by smoothing the transition between secondary and post-secondary education and to help reduce college debt.

Credits earned are fully transferable in the Montana University System and transfer widely to other accredited colleges and universities.

You can read much more about this wonderful opportunity at  Our high school counselors are also a great resource for information and can assist students interested in classes.