Medicine Crow
Contact Us:
(406) 281-8600
(406) 969-2377
michael thomas
associate Principal:
Traci doll
Start time: 8:10 am
Dismissal: 3:10 pm
Dismissal: 2:10 pm
Medicine Crow News
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Medicine Crow…
Let’s “Pack the Place in Pink” and EMPOWER one another!
October is right around the corner and is Breast Cancer Awareness month. We are gearing up for another successful year of “Pack the Place in Pink!” We want to do our part here at Medicine Crow by supporting Pack the Place in Pink. PPP is celebrating 18 years of giving hope and has provided over $1,000,000 to women battling breast cancer right here in Montana. Medicine Crow will be selling pink t-shirts to our staff, students, families, and friends for $15. Each year PPP has sold hundreds of shirts and we want to help participate in this wonderful organization for local families in our community fighting this horrible disease and it is super fun to see our entire school dressed in pink! Friday, October 25th we will Pack the Place in Pink here at Medicine Crow. We would like all of our staff and students to wear PINK to school on this day!
This year the shirts say “Empower.” Empower means to encourage or support the ability to do something or to make stronger or more confident. We want our kids to “empower” each other every day with positive choices and behaviors in our school and throughout our community.
If you are interested in purchasing a pink t-shirt we will be selling them during Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday, October 3, and then before and after school, until we are sold out. Shirts sell fast and in the past we have even run out! Check out the PPP website and Facebook page if you would like to know more or even visit Albertsons in the Heights for more pink gear. Thanks for your help and su
*Please make checks payable to Pack the Place in Pink!
Travel Opportunity: England 2025
BIG NEWS Medicine Crow Middle School Parents and Students!
You have the opportunity to travel to England in the Summer of 2025! It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that you will not want to miss.
Click the link below to learn more and register for the in-person information session with Ms. Lowe
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School Facts
468 Students
84.6% Graduation Rate
Billings Public Schools
Striving for excellence today, empowering for success tomorrow.