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John Goodheart

Mr. Goodheart's Band Website

Grades 6, 7, 8
Bands offer students the opportunity to perform and develop an appreciation for a wide variety of music. Concerts, school assemblies, outreach concerts, jazz bands, and small group ensembles are part of this active band program.  Band is available to all interested students.


Michael Mleko

Grades 6, 7, 8
Orchestra provides students with experience with and appreciation for a wide variety of music through playing of the violin, viola, cello, or double bass.  Students find the class exciting and challenging.  A student participating in orchestra will have the opportunity to perform concerts at school, a Middle School Gala Concert at Lincoln Center, a concert tour of Elementary Schools, chamber music groups, and optionally in the Billings Honor Orchestra program and Middle School Solo and Ensemble Festival.  Attendance at four evening concerts is required.  Orchestra is open to all interested students beginning through advanced.

Chorus & General Music

Naomi Wright

Grades 6, 7, 8
The choral program at Castle Rock has three separate grade-level choirs, along with an extra-curricular Advanced Choir for students looking for more challenging pieces to perform. Each choir performs at our Holiday, Spring, and Pops concerts, with an opportunity for individual student solos in the Spring and Pops concerts. We carol at local rest homes in December and the Advanced Choir participates in the SD2 Choir Gala in April. Students in 7th and 8th grade are eligible to audition for the Advanced Choir at the beginning of each school year. 

General music classes are currently only offered for sixth grade students. This is a non-performance class that focuses on music appreciation, musical theater, and basic instrumental skills for playing in groups in class. This class enables students to fulfill the required middle school music credit without needing to perform public concerts.