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Middle Schools

There are six middle schools, grades 6, 7 and 8, in Billings Public Schools. Staying true to the middle school concept, the class offerings allow students to further their knowledge in core subjects of reading, math, science, and social studies; while also exploring their interests and passions in electives such as foreign language, world of work, and music. To learn more about each individual school, visit the pages below.

Contact Us

Educational Talent Search is a free program that helps students prepare for their future after high
school. ETS serves eligible students, in grades 6-12, prepare for and attend a college of their
choice, including students who wish to attend 1-year Certificate programs, 2-year Associate’s
programs, and 4-year Bachelor’s programs. Find out more information here!


Community and Mental Health Resources for Billings Public Schools


Sodexo Meal Services for Billings Public Schools


TheBus App

The Bus App


Middle Schools Contact Information