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Bronc Boosters


Bronc Booster Club Information

The Senior High Booster Community supports all activities and clubs endorsed by Senior High School

Our objective is to strive for school pride, academic achievement, sportsmanship, and morale in our school community. Bronc Booster also promotes school spirit and involvement among parents, alumni, and fans of Billings Senior High. We would like to invite you to be part of the Booster Community. The Booster board has restructured our meeting format to better serve parents and busy schedules. There will be four Booster meetings held each school year with our administrators presenting informative topics.

At each Booster meeting, you can ask questions of the administration, be informed on what is going on in the high school, and meet other parents. This is an opportunity to be a voice for students and give parental assistance to school administration when it is needed. Please mark your calendar and attend any or all of our meetings.

There are always opportunities to get involved and being a Booster allows you to participate as your schedule allows. We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming Bronc Booster Community meeting. The meeting dates are September 11 (cafeteria), November 13, February 12, and April 15 from 7:00-8:00 pm (location: Senior High Library). 

In addition, there will now be additional Monday night meetings that will solely be informrational meetings on school topics similar to the former Pizza with the Principal lunches in the past. These meetings will also be held in the Senior High Library at 7:00 pm. The dates and topics will be:
October 9: "Getting an Apprenticeship" (BPS Career Coaches)
January 8: "Earning a Letter in Science" (BSH STEM Society)
March 11: "Credit Recovery & APEX Program" 

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President: Julie Lien
Vice President: 
Administrative Advisor: Shelli Strouf
Secretary: Kristen Berge
Treasurer: Shauna Ottman


Walk the Halls: Kally Dreikosen
Saturday Live: Kara Sunwall/Kristen Berge
Membership: Shauna Ottman
Teacher Appreciation: Julie Lien
Bronc Store: Kristen Berge
Decals: Bonnie Koch
Scholarships: Angie Paris
Teacher Grants: Kally Dreikosen
​Bronc Bash: Allison Pizzolato
50/50 Raffle Sales: Kerra Olson
Social Media Chair: Kara Sunwall

Support BSH Activities

The Bronc Booster Community holds various fundraisers throughout the year. A few of these include: membership drive, Saturday Live, spirit wear sales, 50/50 sales, and home game football concessions.
Last year's fundraisers provided:

  • Scholarships for graduating seniors
  • Teacher mini-grants
  • ​Teacher Appreciation Luncheon

Code of Conduct

To promote Senior High School and its student body by observing the highest standards of conduct, sportsmanship, and fair play, to be goodwill ambassadors of Senior High in any public place where students of Senior High are involved in any capacity and to be positive role models for the students at Senior High.

Bronc Booster Membership