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Stand with us Against Bullying

Our definition of bullying is:
Bullying behavior happens when someone uses his or her power to hurt another. When bullying occurs, there is intent to harm, dominate, and inflict pain, exclude, or otherwise cause the target distress. A person who is bullying uses power (size, age, confidence, and verbal ability) to hurt someone physically or emotionally. The power between the bully and the target is not equal. Bullying occurs when someone or a group keeps hurting, frightening, threatening, or leaving someone out on purpose. Bullying behaviors are unfair and one-sided. They usually take place repeatedly and over time.


1. Students who feel they have been subjected to HIB or other students, parents, staff, or other community members who believe they have witnessed such treatment of a student may report the incident either in writing (via Incident Reporting Form) or verbally. Reports may be made to any employee. Failure to use the designated form will not cause the complaint to be dismissed so long as the written report provides sufficient detail for action by the school.
2. Any employee who becomes aware of HIB should attempt to resolve the matter immediately. When an employee is made aware of unresolved incidents they shall fill out or assist the student in filling out an Incident Reporting Form and submit it to an administrator within two school days of the incident.
3. If the principal is the subject of the complaint, the report should be submitted to the Executive Director of Human Resources, the Executive Director of School Leadership Support, or the Superintendent.
4. Anonymous reports containing adequate detail to investigate will be investigated.
5. Incident Reporting Forms are available at the bottom of this webpage and available in the main office of Orchard Elementary.
Investigatory Process:
1. All investigations should be initiated promptly, but no later than two school days after the Incident Report has been completed and filed with the school administration.
2. The designated investigator will determine whether HIB has occurred by interviewing the aggressor(s), the target(s), the reporter, and known bystanders and other witnesses. Previous incident reports involving the same students should also be taken into consideration.
3. Any interviewees should be informed that information given will be kept as confidential as possible in accordance with student due process rights, but that disclosure may be necessary.
4. The investigation should be performed and concluded within five school days of receipt of a report. Upon conclusion, if it is found that HIB has occurred parents of the target(s) and the aggressor(s) shall be notified immediately by a school administrator.
5. The school administration will determine whether another entity has jurisdiction over the incident. If instances of HIB rise to the level of a possible criminal offense, a school administrator shall immediately notify law enforcement.
6. The school administrator shall determine and implement appropriate consequences, which may include discipline and/or remedial action for the aggressor and the target. The aggressor will be informed that retaliation is strictly prohibited and will be met with similar or additional consequences.
7. The school administration shall take all necessary steps to protect the target from further HIB incidents. This can include but is not limited to changing the aggressor’s seat, transportation route, or classes and identifying a staff member to act as a supervisor for the aggressor. If an escort is appropriate, the aggressor – not the target – should be escorted.
8. A school administrator will follow up with the target of any HIB to ensure that the negative behavior has stopped and not repeated.
9. A written record will be kept of each reported incident, including the written report, investigatory steps and information, conclusive findings, referral to other entities (e.g. law enforcement), and disciplinary and/or remedial action taken.

Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Reporting Form

Incident Reporting Form
Download File

If you or someone you know is the victim of bullying, please fill out the Incident Reporting Form and turn it in to the office, or call (406) 281-6216 to make a verbal report.

​Orchard Elementary School is committed to making our school a safe and caring place for everyone.