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The role of the Transportation Department is to transport students safely and efficiently to and from school buildings and on field trips. The safety of our students is always a top priority and we recognize that transporting students adds an extra level of risk. All of our bus drivers are licensed and required to take a safety course geared specifically toward transporting school students.

We hope that your child will have a successful and enjoyable bus transportation experience.

If a student lives in a regular ed busing area for an individual school, parents should go to the front office of the school to get a bus ticket. Bus tickets are issued at each individual school and the school will also have maps of the bus routes and a list of available bus stops with pickup and drop off times. In general a student must live 3 or more miles from the school in order to qualify for school bus transportation, but there are some exceptions for K-8. If you have questions, please contact the school or the Transportation Department at 281-5581.

Lindsay Gran – Transportation Director ~ 281-5596
Vavi Rathie – Transportation Coordinator ~ 281-5581
Laura Roderick – Transportation Supervisor ~ 281-5583
Martha Tanner – Transportation Asst. – Special Education ~ 281-5580
First Student Transportation – School Bus Contractor ~ 248-3667


Information Pamphlet for school bus transportation button


Special Education Bus Pamphlet button



Walking route maps were created through the Safe Routes to School Plan Update in 2022. A map was created for each of the 22 elementary schools in Billings. Maps can be found on the City of Billings website, by clicking here

More information can be found on the Yellowstone County Safe Routes to School website, by clicking here

Please note, this information is provided for informational purposes only. Street, traffic control devices, and route conditions are subject to change. The City of Billings or Billings Public Schools cannot and does not guarantee the safety of these routes, and assumes no responsibility or liability. We encourage families and students to use this map to explore options for going to and from and school, but each family is responsible for choosing the most appropriate option based upon their knowledge of route conditions and the specific needs and/or experience level of their student. Please continually review your selected route.  


Walking School Bus

What is a Walking School Bus (WSB)?

A WSB is a fun, safe, and active way for students to get to school on time and ready to learn! Students
walk with trained adult volunteers, called Route Leaders, along a recommended route to school.
Students can join in the WSB at pre-determined stops and times along the route, and will learn
important pedestrian safety behaviors along the way.

A WSB Coordinator will make sure the program runs smoothly, by training and scheduling volunteers,
and communicating with volunteers, parents, and guardians along the way.
When does the WSB run?
The WSB runs every morning during the school year and will follow the school calendar, operating on
any days the school is in session. In the event of severe weather and an unexpected WSB cancellation,
the school or WSB Coordinator will contact volunteers and student families.
Additional Details:
  • Must complete background check and volunteer training
  • Must like working with kids and be able to work outdoors in various weather



Met Transit


The City of Billings - MET Transit Division provides bussing throughout the city and may be able to assist in transporting students who do not qualify for School Bus Transportation due to the 3-mile school radius boundaries.  Student bus passes are $21.00 for 31 days and can be purchased online, via the UMO mobile app, at City Hall, ticket vending machines at the transfer centers, and over the phone at 406-657-8218.  

Met Transit Logo


Please contact MET Transit at 406-657-8218 for additional information.  
