- Person(s) responsible will meet with the school principal or the person assigned by the principal to review all school related needs and to be trained in the necessary security/building procedures.
- Please respect school activities that are in progress wait for activity to end before entering the space.
- It is the responsibility of the person(s) in charge to communicate all building rules and off-limit areas to all participants of their program.
- Group will be responsible for starting and ending your event at the times as designated on the contract. No early starts or late finishes.
- Never prop doors open.
- No food or drink other than water allowed in gyms unless specific authorization has been given based on the event.
- Group will make sure that all areas of use, including gyms, bathrooms, etc. are clean and ready for next use.
- SD2 has limited equipment available for rent. Users must check on Facility Rental site for availability per building and must be prepared to supply their own major equipment.
- All school equipment that has been borrowed or rented by the user must be properly collected and stored as per building regulations. Please do not take gym equipment, balls etc. outside of the gym area.
- Prior to closing the building, users will assure that all participants have left the building safely.
- Users or supervisor will make sure all doors are closed, locked and all lights are off when leaving the building.
- Person(s) responsible will never leave kids at the building unsupervised.
- Users or supervisor will make sure all alarms are set, if required to do so.
- The use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco is strictly prohibited on all school district property. Alcoholic beverages and narcotics shall not be permitted in the school facilities or on school property at any time.
- All users of school facilities shall hold the district free and without harm from any loss, damage may arise during, or be caused in any way, by such use or occupancy of school facilities.
- If any damage has been done to the facility, i.e. a window gets broken, users will submit a report, in writing to the principal as soon as possible. Users are responsible for all costs associated with the damage.
- Building Code and Key Agreement – The following requirements:
• Building codes or keys will not be given out to other people who are either not event supervisors or not associated with the event group.
• A $200.00 deposit will be collected/authorized if a school key is checked out.
• Codes or keys will not used at any time other than the contracted event times.
- User agrees to the above rules and regulations. Failure to abide by and these requirements could result in the loss of the privilege.