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5000: Human Resources Services

Human Resources

5000: Purpose
5001: Personnel Policies
5002: Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination
5003: Resolution of Complaints / Grievances Regarding Harassment or Discrimination
      5003-F1: Harassment/Discrimination Complaint Filing Form
      5003-R: Resolution of Complaints Grievances Regarding Harassment or Discrimination
5004: Commitment to Civil Rights
5005: Sexual Harassment Prevention
5006: Safety Policy / Staff Protection
5007: Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug-Free Workplace Policy
5008: Alcohol and Drug Dependency
5009: Employee Assistance Program
5011: Staff Health and Communicable Diseases
      5011-R: Staff Health - and Communicable Diseases
5012: Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
      5012-R: Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
5013: Applicability of Personnel Policies
5014: Acquisition of Staff - Certified and Classified
5015: Staff Supervision/Labor Agreements/Compensation Plan
5016: Personnel Records
5017: Rules of Conduct
      5017-P1: Cellular Phone Procedure
5018: Substitutes - Certified and Classified 
      5018-R: Substitutes - Certified and Classified -Procedure
5019: School Volunteers
5020: Student Teachers/Professionals in Training
      5020-R: Student Teachers/Professionals in Training

5021: Fingerprints and Criminal Background Investigations
5022: Breastfeeding in the School and Workplace
5210: Assignments, Reassignments, Transfers, Vacancies
5500: Payment of Wages Upon Termination
5501: Evaluation
5600: District-Provided Access to Electronic Information, Services, and Networks
      5600-F1: Network Request Form
      5600-F3: Personal Technology Agreement
      5600-F4: Computer Equipment Checkout Form
      5600-P1: District-Provided Access to Electronic Information, Services, and Networks