Bond & Budgets Info
Bond Overview
The District currently is benefiting from a $12 million Bond for Deferred Maintenance, which voters approved in August 2010. The total bond amount is actually a combination of two bonds: $10 million from the Qualified School Construction Bonds, which benefits both the Elementary School District (K-8) and High School District (9-12), and $2 million from the QZABs, which benefits the Elementary School District only.
The bonds are interest-free to local taxpayers; and, because of the contributions the District receives under the State’s current facilities reimbursement payment program, local taxpayers will pay for approximately $5.55 million for $12 million in improvements to selected schools.
The bonds are interest-free to local taxpayers; and, because of the contributions the District receives under the State’s current facilities reimbursement payment program, local taxpayers will pay for approximately $5.55 million for $12 million in improvements to selected schools.
The students and staff of Billings Public Schools extend their heart-felt thanks to the community for their support.
To be updated by Business Office ****